Grow your startup & connect with friends 🚀

Grow your startup & connect with friends 🚀

Come join The Studio community. We are a vibrant group of over 1,500 people who specialize in Ai, Web3, design, startups, development and much more.

👋 We are The Studio. We are a community that helps startups with growth, and our services include website design, crypto tax consulting, and strategic consulting. Additionally, we run an active Discord community where our clients can connect with other entrepreneurs and gain access to resources and networking opportunities.

Our business model is simple. We strive to deliver a large amount of value to our customers in numerous areas, including website design, crypto tax consulting, and business strategy. And we charge for some of that value.

We offer the following goods & services:

  • 🧰 $249 Organize session - Organize your Discord and Notion! We will work with you to get all of these important parts of your startup organized and improved.

  • 🌱 The Growth Project - A private community for startup founders to grow their startups.

  • ✍️ $499 Framer website design: We will work closely with you to design and develop a visually stunning and user-friendly website that reflects your brand and message.

  • 💸 We are also building and optimizing our crypto fund Studio Capital.

Our portfolio showcases the high-quality work we have produced for other clients in the past and we are confident that we can help your business succeed. We look forward to working with you.

Join our Active Community

Join our Active Community

We have over 2,000+ members in our active Discord. You can join and watch in real time as we interact with eachother and help startups grow. Come join .

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